Seek Your Desires on the Web

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Manifesting: Are We Paying Attention?

M45 - Pleiades,star clust. in constell. TAURUS with many BROWN dwarf suns in it.!
Most of us have heard the story of the farmer in a flood where the river is rising and he states to the two passing boats and the helicopter that go by to help him, that he "puts his trust in God." The farmer ends up drowning and he asks God why He let him down. His response to the farmer, “What do you mean, let you down? I sent you two boats and a helicopter!!!” Are you paying attention to your signs?

Many of you have been working on manifesting what you desire most in your life right now. But, have you been listening to the messages that you have been receiving or seeing the signs? To me God is the Universe, and I use these terms sometimes interchangeably, because we are all one. We are all connected, energetically. We are one with God and the Universe.

The Universe sends us signals, signs or ah-ha’s all of the time. But if we aren’t looking or we are expecting things to be a certain way, then we might be missing something.

When we are working on creating what we desire, it begins as a thought. For example, we want something to happen like a new job. If we sit and just think the thought without doing anything about it, nothing will happen. We can fester for months about how we dislike where we are or how a new company might be better. However, when we start to put action into our thoughts such as refreshing our resume, scheduling interviews, the energy begins to change. You are sending out a signal to the Universe that you are serious about what you are thinking. This is positive energy flow and the Universe has to respond.

Now, if you are in fact interviewing for a new company and you have been specific about the type of position you desire, pay, hours, vacation time, description, you are then on your way to receiving symbols from the Universe of what action you need to take next. If someone calls you for an interview, you might want to check it out. You will find that the more energy you put into visualizing this “end result,” the closer you will be to it. On the other hand, if you sit back and think that someone is just going to come along and offer you a great job without any action on your part, you are going to be waiting for a long time. You don’t want to end up like the farmer in the flood.

It’s important I mention the effects of negative thinking. Thinking that you might not get the position at that great company could tell the Universe that you aren’t ready for it. Worry creates negative energy that the Universe interprets as fear. Fear is what keeps us from our success. The Universe responds to us despite what we are asking, positive or negative thought process. In another instance, if debt is what you are concerned about and you want to be out of debt, but what you focus on is just that, “debt, “ then you will remain there. This is true because the Universe is answering your thoughts. You may be thinking about how you would love to win the lottery, have more money, etc. However, if the majority of your thoughts ruminate on lack and scarcity, this will only bring you exactly what you are essentially asking of the Universe by your thoughts. Obsessing about what to think about isn’t the goal here either. Watch your thoughts. We are in so many habits and our thoughts tend to be on auto-pilot and they might need some retraining. Affirmations could help here. Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer have some great books on affirmations to help you if you need assistance in changing your thought patterns.

Visualizing is so important for manifesting to work its magic. It only need take 5 minutes of your day. Sit and imagine yourself sitting at your new desk, doing the job you desire. If it’s not at a desk, where is it? What are you wearing? What types of job tasks are you performing? What are the smells in the environment around you? Who do you work with? How do they treat you? Close your eyes and visualize every detail that you can think of. Write them down and refer to them periodically throughout your day. If you have not worked with vision boards before or would like to learn more, Mike Dooley is all about The Universe and its wonderful abundance for everyone! Also, see video below for more creative ideas. Malcolm will get you motivated!

While you are manifesting your perfect career, car, house, bank account, etc, be happy with where you are now in your life. If you are unhappy with your job now, showing up for an interview with negative thoughts of your current position will emanate to your potential employer, whether you want it to or not. Try to find the positive in every thing that you are looking forward to now! What you dream of now, is right here in front of you. Live your life as if you have what you desire now. Feel the joy now! Be alive now! Don’t wait for the joy to begin “when I get the job” or “when I finally get that new car” or “when I hit the lottery.” Enjoy life as it is now or you are really missing out on some good stuff. Why waste time on negative energy anyway? It takes more effort to be in a negative mindset than it does to just be positive and go with the flow.

The more time you spend in the positive aspects of your dreams, they are bound to come true. The negative time and worry you put into them will only take away your hard work of moving your dreams closer to you. This is only the tip of the iceberg of what you can begin to create in your daily life. You may have whatever it is you desire: Happiness, health, love, peace, or that hot new sports car you have your eye on. No matter what it is, you can have it. Just believe that you can, ask for it and visualize it being here now. Be ready for the responses you will receive from the Universe, because you will have them once you put your dream into some sort of action, even if it is just in the form of visualizing to start. You will begin to see and feel things change. It will be a domino effect, as you act on one sign; another may appear, and so on. So get going, create that vision board, or vision slide show. Don’t let those dreams stay as dreams, bring them into the present. Embrace the excitement of having it all, because you can! You deserve it, no matter what, you deserve it!

Coming soon: Why you deserve wealth and goodness, Angels among us and Your Uniqueness.

Love, light & laughter,

Jill Haas RN, BSN
Certified Reiki Practitioner
Professional Life CoachAngel Therapy Practitioner®, Certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD.
Voice Mail (641) 715-3900 x8132705#


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,
I like your blog posting and hearing your story about all the stuff you were going through and how you overcame it. You are truly an inspiration to many people and I am glad you have the courage to remain on your path and always credit God/the Divine.
With Love, Lori Shulman

Sherry said...

I loved the farmer story. It’s nice to find like-minded people like you blogging. I enjoyed reading your blog.I believe if we want to change our lives we need to change our minds. I’ve been sharing the spiritual tools I’ve learned on my blog. I just wrote a post on my blog about “Seeing the Light in the Darkness” and would love your feedback. Blessings, Sherry
Daily Spiritual Tools